Welcome to Abingdon Eagles Basketball Club. We use Pitchero to manage all our Club administration. It is ...
Happy with your first FREE TRIAL session with Abingdon Eagles and wish to join the club? Please register yourself and your player by signing up to Pitchero using this signup link:
Join Abingdon Eagles Basketball Club
When signing up, please make sure you read and tick to receive information, particularly regarding your players team e.g U10, U12 etc.
Register yourself (parent/guardian) FIRST, as a CLUB MEMBER and PARENT using your DATE OF BIRTH and then add the name of your child/children and their team(s). Adult Players please just register yourself.
Once you have been approved by our Club, please click on your ACCOUNT (top right hand corner) and under your child's name, next to yours on the OVERVIEW page fill out/complete the registration form. It would be really useful if you could add a head and shoulders photo of your player to your account.
Please pay the Club's Annual Registration fee either of £25 for U10 - Mens. On the Pitchero website click on our SHOP or the SHOPPING TROLLEY icon if you have downloaded our Club Pitchero App.
Now you are a member, please have a chat with your Team Manager about our season's subscription packages. These can be found again in the club shop (trolley icon at the bottom of the app).